

Welcome to the portfolio website of Osaym Omar.


The purpose of this page is to serve as a quick demonstration of my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills. From this page, you can follow the external links to view my projects.


I am familiar with the HTML5. CSS3, JavaScript, and Python programming languages.

I have understanding of Unix-based CLI environments, such as the MacOS and Linux terminals. Some Linux distributions I have used before are Ubuntu, Kali, and Debian.

I am also a Hip-Hop & Rap music producer. Contact me if you are interested in working with me, or would like to hear some music.


As time has progressed I have worked on many different projects. Here is a quick list of them, and a little bit of information on each one.

  • Status Page: this is a small page I created that provides access to the status of all online services I maintain. If something isn't working correctly, you can check to see if it's down using this tool.

  • Osaym.com: this website is a project that began during October 2021. I decided to code my own website because I can and had not, therefore I did. This website is written in HTML5 and CSS3, has JavaScript implementations, and is hosted via GitHub Pages. Any new HTML concepts I learn of or advancements I think of are added whenever I come up with them.

  • OsaymPassgen: this is a project developed by me during the summer of 2021. It is a fully customizable, CLI-based Python script allowing the user to create a strong password for use with accounts on any website they desire. The goal was to create a password generator similar to that of the one included in "LastPass," however entirely written in Python for a challenge.

  • LoopermanLinkCreator: this is a project developed by me during the summer of 2022. As a music producer, I often find myself sampling different loops found online, most often on the website Looperman. Because of this, I decided to build a web scraper in Python that obtains the BPM and musical key of any loop inputted solely from the file name, requiring no other information. This Python script is hosted on Replit and may be found at the link above.

  • AdvancedRockPaperScissors: this is a game developed by me during September 2022. Written in Python, this is a script that plays a traditional game of "rock paper scissors" with the user. Replit Database functionalities are integrated in the code to track wins, losses and ties globally on each run. The terminal is also styled colorfully to make the program enjoyable to run.

  • OsaymClock: this page is a new project that began development during December 2022 in which I am attempting to write an HTML clock from scratch. If this sounds interesting to you, you can click the link provided to interact with it.


General inquiries: osaym@osaym.com